Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Resist the Urge to Panic

Did you catch Michelle Obama on Ellen yesterday? She was great. Don’t you just want this woman as our First Lady?

You may have seen recent polling and been panicked by what appears to be a tie. Three things that you must keep in mind.

1. National polling means virtually nothing
2. McCain is seeing his post-convention bounce, it’s a bounce. It goes away.
3. it is in the national media’s best interest to perpetuate the narrative that it is a close race, even if it is not. They must do this for the sake of their ratings. What will their blowhards talk about if it’s a landslide?

Remember “Strip him and turn him OUT”? Harry Reid kicked Joe Lieberman out of the Dem’s weekly caucus lunches and the biweekly chairmen’s lunches. It’s not quite enough, but it’s a start.

Remember when Palin made that big deal about firing the governor’s personal chef when she was elected? According to Kos, she saved Alaska $45,000 – HOWEVER, she still charged Alaska almost $17k to eat at her own place:

"Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own
home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance
intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state

And there’s this, also from Kos, where she charged Alaska for travel expenses while staying in her own home.

"Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her
own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance
intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state

The governor also has charged the state for travel expenses to take her
children on official out-of-town missions. And her husband, Todd, has billed the
state for expenses and a daily allowance for trips he makes on official business
for his wife.

And when she did travel, she stayed three nights at a hotel for $707 PER NIGHT.


Another Palin Lie –
That whole bridge to nowhere thing that she continues to say that she opposed, yeah, she supported it. Then, when it became a national scandal, she opposed it. What a maverick!

Here’s another thing, drilling won’t lower gasoline prices for years and years and years. And years. And years. You know how Americans can see an immediate change in the amount they pay for gas? Check the air pressure in their tires. No really. You will see an immediate improvement in gas mileage, and you don’t have to wait for years, and destroy the environment to do it. Common sense people, common sense.

Also, a reader points out that though Palin is proud of her daughter's decision to complete her pregnancy, while Governor, she used her line-item veto power to slash funding for an Alaska shelter that serves teen mothers.

So she used a line-item veto to slash funding for teen mothers? A shelter? So, she's against abortion - a kid gets knocked up and "does the right thing". Then, when their mom's kick them out of the house because they're preggers, they now have nowhere to go.

Amen. Way to personify those GOP family values... like hypocrisy.

Also, you may not have heard this story, but while Palin was Mayor of Wasilla, rape victims were required to pay for their own rape kits. That's right, Palin didn't think it was worth the small cost to the city to pay for the rape kits, and left it to the victims. Nice.

Meanwhile, I phone banked for Obama again last night. I encourage everyone to give it a shot, it's easy and they can use every bit of our help. especially in Missouri. And if you can't volunteer, give money, wear a button, put a sticker somewhere or talk up the issues with your friends/family/coworkers. It's not just that i want Barack Obama in the White House, it's that I want Barack and Michelle in the White House.

(Hey! Remember when the senate sergeant at arms looked at our little blog here? yeah, that was fun.)


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